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Ahmad Al-Dabbagh
Assistant Professor
Other Titles: Principal's Research Chair in Control Systems (Tier 2)Office: EME 4287
Email: ahmad.aldabbagh@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Control systems; automation systems; fault diagnosis; cyber security; alarm management
Courses & Teaching
APSC 519 System Identification (upcoming); MANF 465 Digital Enterprise; ENGR 315 Systems and Control; ENGR 453 Internet of Things
Dr. Al-Dabbagh (Senior Member, IEEE and ISA) is an Assistant Professor in Manufacturing Engineering and a Principal’s Research Chair in Control Systems (Tier 2) with the School of Engineering at The University of British Columbia. He held postdoctoral fellowships at Imperial College London, the University of Toronto, and the University of Alberta, and received his PhD degree in Control Systems from the University of Alberta.
His research focuses on the design of resilient automation and control systems, by addressing fault diagnosis, cyber security, and alarm management. He was a recipient of several competitive awards and scholarships, including an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, an NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS – D3), a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship, and a Governor General’s Academic Medal (Gold). Dr. Al-Dabbagh currently severs as an Associate Editor on the IEEE Control Systems Society Conference Editorial Board, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in British Columbia and Ontario.
Okanagan Laboratory for Control Systems Research
PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Research Interests & Projects
Example topics of interest include:
1. Detection and isolation of faults and cyber attacks
2. Control reconfiguration and topological formation
3. Event-triggered control and communication
4. Remote state estimation
5. Alarm systems design and alarm floods mitigation
6. Recommendation systems design for operator actions
7. Causality, prediction, and root cause analysis